
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Federalist party first meeting

Story by Kayla Hughes

At 1:45 p.m. the Federalist and Nationalist parties held their first party meetings. To start off the Federalist Party meeting the Federalist advisor Micala Cruse Demps began the elections. The party Chairwoman was elected first. After voting, Fillmore delegate Kamryn L. Sannicks was elected party Chairwoman. Next was the election of delegate Ashtyn B. Cooper, who is living in the town of Polk for the week, as the party’s Vice Chairwoman. The party Secretary-Treasurer elected was delegate Alexandra M. Carlini, who is living in Jackson for the week.

Once elections were done, volunteers and the party’s artists for the emblem and slogan had to be chosen. Sannicks then called for four volunteers for the platform committee. Then Sannicks continued to call for volunteer artists to draw the party’s emblem. After the artists had drawn their emblems, it was decided that a federalist coin facing up would be the party’s emblem to symbolize the party being superior. The slogan, “Federalists are always on top” was adopted.

Subsequently the Federalist party needed a platform; thus the platform topic debate began. The party began discussing fracking (definition-the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas.) which was discovered to be illegal due to the possibilities of contamination of local water.

A party member then suggested that school lunches needed to have larger portions at a cheaper price for athletes. After some debate, it was decided that athletes would be scratched from the plank, and then it would be accepted.

It was later then decided the Federalists would deny the legalization of casinos. Another important topic accepted to become a plank was the de-emphasizing of NeSA testing and focusing on personal achievement instead. The Federalists’ last bill of the meeting accepted by the Federalists was a thank you to the American Legion Auxiliary for conducting Girls State. The meeting was then adjourned for the afternoon.

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